What I’ve learned so far in 2015-

focus on the goodI’ve never really been one to take a chance in life. To put myself out there. To not be scared of failure. But over the years, I’ve come to realize that my habits of holding myself back from potential opportunities is silly. It is so important to always try to achieve your goals, dreams and passions. Even if you are lost in what makes you passionate, it’s important to take the time to let yourself grow and gain experiences to help you in the right direction to make you happy for a lifetime.

I’ve always been a girl that compares herself to others. Weather it’s comparing myself to other people lifestyles, attire, success, confidence- it’s always been a nasty habit of mine, and it has been my goal this year to stop it completely. We all have our struggles, and wish we could have a little more than what we do have, but it is so, so important to take a step back and really give thanks for what is given to us. We are so lucky to live in the shoes that we are in weather we realize it or not, but it is important to take that extra step of realization of comfortably in our opportunities.

Lastly, I’ve always been a people pleaser. I’ve always gotten this guilt feeling when I can tell that something wasn’t going a particular way for someone, and have gone way out of my way to make sure that they ended up happy. This is all fine in doses, but it’s become another habitual priority of mine, and it’s definitely come to the point where other people’s happiness was coming before my own, and I knew I had to stop this immediately. I’ve been making it a huge point lately to ask myself “am I happy?” and if not, “what can I do for myself”, not “what can I do for others.”

I wanted to make this page not only for a quick reminder for myself, but for anyone that needs a quick pick me up or reminder to always look at the good in life, and that happiness should always be a priority for everyone. And if you ever need a visual pick me up, please take a minute and click here for some cute, inspiring quotes on Pinterest.


Image taken from:mysocalledcraftylife.com

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