Looking back-

Hello and welcome back! 🙂

taken from: http://events.txstate.edu

So as some of you may know, I am a mass communications major at Texas State University, and this blog was originally made for my Digital and Online Media class to help teach me the basics of blogging and how to connect with people virtually through social media. I’m going to talk a little about my experience with this class, and how my blog has helped promote myself and Lush Cosmetics throughout the semester.

I definitely think that joining the WordPress community has helped promote myself and what I am passionate about. I was never much of a blogger, or someone that keeps tabs on social media regularly, but WordPress is by far the most helpful tool in giving me the opportunity to discuss matters that are important to me, create a site from almost scratch to help bring out some of my personality, and to be able to add a ton of cool things to my posts, such as pictures, links, videos- the list goes on. A tool that I used this semester that I thought was not as helpful with my Lush promotion would have to be Twitter. I don’t have as many followers on that platform, and I find that it’s a little challenging creating a more personal connection with my fellow followers on Twitter than WordPress.

In my upcoming career in life, I think that starting this blog will help me achieve my dreams in the future. I would absolutely love to work with Lush one day, not only because they’re a wonderful, Pro Earth company, but that they make really great products that I am genuinely passionate about. I think this blog would be able to show my passion for the company, and I would also have my wonderful followers who have been along with me for the ride- I appreciate you all so much!

I would really love to one day come into the Lush brand with all the knowledge that I have not just over their products, but also their proactive efforts to making a greener Earth. I would love to work in the top of the company, and help with making new products and creating new ideas on how we can take all the great efforts the company does, just even further. I think with the support of my blog and the research I get from the feedback from my followers on a personal level would really help Lush with customer reviews and feedback.

Thank you all so much, I will be posting again soon! 🙂


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