LivingLushious App Idea

Welcome back!

So I was shopping around the other day thinking to myself, “it would be awesome if I could get an honest review for a product I’m interested in, without having to search the whole net, youtube videos, all the fake sponsored junk, and get a quick an easy review wherever I was.” I’ve searched for hours on some things, and most times, I don’t really find what I’m looking for. Thats when I decided to make a moc app to try and see what and how I could make this all work, and to also present it to you guys and see if it was something you would be interested in.

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This is what the homepage for the app would look like. As you can see I have a LivingLushious button, and a Submitted Reviews button (thats where you guys come into play!)

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I added a RSS feed to the LivingLushious blog, where you can see my personal reviews, as well as Lush news.

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This is what you find after clicking the Submitted Reviews button. It will allow you guys to submit a review at any time of whichever product you choose. You can make your review however you want to, add pictures, links, make your review descriptive, or make a pros and cons list, however you feel is best! Just don’t for get to put the rating of 1 to 10 would recommend to a friend.

Here are two examples of what people could make their review for:

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When you click on the review of your choice, you are also able to share with whomever you want, on any social media or text message.

This is a very mock up presentation, and I’ve never used a program like AppMachine before (so I apologize for the ruggedness), but I just wanted to present my idea for an app with genuine Lush reviews from wherever you are. Feel free to leave any comments or suggestions on what you think about it!

Until next time!


Knot Today!

Evening everyone! Is your back tied up on a knot? Read on!

For those who have been checking out my blog, you have noticed that I am a full time student trying to keep up with a full time job where I am constantly standing and running around. At the end of my days, I get these horrible knots and soreness in my shoulders, neck and back. After months and months of complaining, my dad decided to get me the Wiccy Magic Muscles Massage Bar and it has given me so much relief, I had to write about it.

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This massage bar is the absolute best thing for sore muscles. As you massage it on your skin, you will start to feel the cocoa butter melt into your skin. What really helps with the aching muscles is the combination on peppermint and cinnamon oils that really help relax your muscles, while the aduki beans help give a massaging texture, almost like a bunch of little fingers working into your back.

I’ve not only used this massage bar on my back, but I’ve also tried it on a bad knee that I have where I get aches from the muscle being too tight and not wanting to relax. This has helped me so much with that, and now my dad doesn’t hear be griping anymore about my aches and knots! I would recommend not pushing too hard on the the bar, because after a couple of uses, it is not as tough as it used to be and can break easily (like mine did just the other night). They also have storage tins  that I would highly recommend getting as well, because it is very hard to store this cocoa body butter without it melting all over the place, and the tin helps keep it cool and also makes it extremely easy to take wherever you need!

Until next time!


The Charity Pot

Hello and welcome back to LivingLushious!


Today I am going to talk a little about the Charity Pot that Lush has created, and let me tell you, it’s genius.

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So the Charity Pot is a body lotion that lush has created to give 100% profit of the product to a charity of your choice. They have about 600 different kinds of charities that they have donated to world wide since 2007, totaling in about $5,800,000 in donations. Thats amazing. These charities are ones that deal with issues such as: Education, Environmental Conservation, Animal Welfare, Water, and Community.

You can either purchase these amazing charity pots online or in store, and you get to choose which charity you would like to put your donation to, it’s that easy. Plus you get a really great, all natural, self-preserving, vegan, animal testing free lotion. It really can’t get any better than that people! Let me talk a little about what is in this amazing charitable body lotion.

This lotion has rosewood oils and a cocoa butter base to give you a delicate floral smell with a oh so smooth touch. I’ve purchased my own pot about a month ago and I have never had as soft as skin as I do now. After every shower, I can’t wait to lather up my skin! And the smell is quite lovely, not too strong, but fresh and floral. The charity pot I bought was for Woman’s Rights, and they have a sticker on the top that reminds me of my donation every day, and I already can’t wait for my three months of product to run out so I can buy some more! Don’t forget to click on the link in the beginning of my post to check out some of the latest charities Lush is donating to, and read some of their stories of how they made a charitable difference in the world!


Until next time!
